Onboarding and

We are developing a new analytical and methodological framework that places physical processes at the heart of strategic thinking

Shape your corporate strategy

Corporate strategy methods anchored through a physically-based approach of economic activities

« Strategy for the Anthropocene »
Research partnership and
co-supervision of doctoral thesis

A ScenariosLab for decision-makers and strategists dedicated to experimenting and learning to facilitate scenarios analysis deployment internally, to foster collective intelligence with stakeholders and to master reporting standards. (2-pagers anglais)

A Teaching and Research Chair

The purpose of the teaching and research chair of emlyon business school and Carbone 4 “Strategy for the Anthropocene” is to integrate challenges brought about by the confrontation with planetary limits into the core of strategy-making and to develop frameworks for strategic thinking

  • Conducting academic and doctoral research around key components of strategy-making process (strategic leadership, coalitions design and physical drivers integration) in the Anthropocene

  • Broadcasting as largely as possible, the research results and methods of strategic thinking in the Anthropocene, via publications (scientific communication, peer-review articles, books) and events

  • Designing and facilitating a dedicated program for decision-makers and strategists to learn and experiment new methods and tools